Here is a chart of all 322 colors that Copic currently makes.
You'll have to click on it to enlarge the scan, but you'll see the colors are marked with a square or a circle. All colors are available in the Sketch style. The colors marked with a circle are also available in the Ciao style and the colors marked with a square are also available in the Original style. Here is the official color wheel from Copic:
You'll have to click on it to enlarge the scan, but you'll see the colors are marked with a square or a circle. All colors are available in the Sketch style. The colors marked with a circle are also available in the Ciao style and the colors marked with a square are also available in the Original style. Here is the official color wheel from Copic:
can you get something like this chart but empty?? that would be great!! (so i can fill in the ones i own)